170. Central Museum of Railway Transport

The Central Museum of Railway Transport of the Russian Federation is located at the northeastern corner of Yusupov Gardens, a short walk from Sennaya Ploshchad. The museum was founded in 1813 and is housed in a historic building (which is overdue for a renovation project). This museum is among the most dated of any I've been to in St. Petersburg. With only a few exceptions, it does not appear that any of the exhibits have changed during the last 30 or 40 years. So, the general feeling one gets when walking through is of a Soviet-era institution. English-language information was certainly nowhere to be seen. I did not get the sense that any foreign tourists typically come here. That said, as possibly the only comprehensive railway museum in Russia, it's also the best in the country.

I learned a lot of interesting facts about a variety of rail-related topics from most of the exhibits, although none of the model trains were in operation while I was there (I think they only run those if you're part of a tour group). I enjoyed learning about the evolution of train design over the centuries, the rail routes across Russia and when they were constructed, railway bridge design, and the tram network in St. Petersburg. The museum included some great paintings and dioramas, as well. I think children of a certain age will love this museum, especially if the models are in motion. For foreign tourists and expats, this museum should only make your list if you're in the city for an extended stay or have a particular interest in the history and technology of Russian rail transport.


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