90. Peter and Paul Fortress: Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul

The Peter & Paul Cathedral was near the top of my wife's list of sights to see during her visit, because it is the final resting place of (almost) all of the tsars & emperors of Russia from 1682 through 1917 - from Peter the Great through Nicholas II. It is also the first church constructed in St. Petersburg, the tallest Orthodox church in the world, and an impressive presence overlooking the Neva river from the center of Peter and Paul Fortress.

I visited Peter and Paul Fortress in May, but was unable to go inside the church at that time (perhaps it was almost closing time? I'm not really sure why I couldn't purchase a ticket). So I was looking forward to coming back and seeing one of the city's main churches.

The Grand Ducal Burial Chapel just behind the church (and connected by an enclosed walkway) contains several dozen additional tombs from members of the Russian royal family from the last several centuries.

This cathedral is definitely one of the top five most beautiful churches in St. Petersburg, but unique among that group for having such an interesting connection with the tsars.

Crypt for Nicholas II and family in the Chapel of St. Catherine the Martyr:

Peter the Great's tomb:

Beautiful iconostasis:

The Grand Ducal Burial Chapel:


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